The History of Levicorpus follows canon through Half Blood Prince. The game history starts in the summer of 1997 before Harry's last year:
Month by Month History
Day by Day History
Scene by Scene History
The Daily Prophet Journal : We try to put all the major news that everyone has heard about in this journal. It contains articles from the Daily Prophet, the Weekly Diviner (Hogwarts new school paper), and the Quibbler.
New people should probably read the Month by Month break down and at least skim the Day by Day, particularly the most recent days. (Day by Day isn't as up to date as I would like, for now your best bet is to read the Daily Prophet journal for the latest news...only bother with Day by Day if you're picking up a character that's been played before.) We don't expect everyone to read the Scene by Scene, as it is a long and ongoing project. However, we hope it will provide some fanfic style entertainment.