This is a breakdown of who is in what class. You can assume there are some unlisted students in each class, but we'll try to include all the player characters.
7th Year Classes:
Ancient Runes:
Abbott, Hannah
Boot, Terry
Goldstein, Anthony
Granger, Hermione
Li, Su
Moon, Isabella
Parkinson, Pansy
Zabini, Blaise
Bones, Susan
Boot, Terry
Corner, Michael
Dae, Promise
Finnigan, Seamus
Goldstein, Anthony
Granger, Hermione
Jones, Megan
Li, Su
Macmillian, Ernie
Moon, Isabella
Bones, Susan
Boot, Terry
Brown, Lavender
Corner, Michael
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Goldstein, Anthony
Parkinson, Pansy
Patil, Padma
Thomas, Dean
Zabini, Blaise
Care of Magical Creatures:
Bobbins, Melinda
Dae, Promise
Davis, Tracey
Finnigan, Seamus
Goyle, Gregory
Longbottom, Neville
Nott, Theodore
Patil, Padma
Thomas, Dean
Abbott, Hannah
Bobbins, Melinda
Boot, Terry
Bones, Susan
Brown, Lavender
Corner, Michael
Dae, Promise
Davis, Tracey
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Finnigan, Seamus
Goyle, Gregory
Granger, Hermione
Jones, Megan
Li, Su
Longbottom, Neville
Macmillian, Ernie
Moon, Isabella
Nott, Theodore
Parkinson, Pansy
Patil, Padma
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Weasley, Ron
Zabini, Blaise
Defense Against the Dark Arts:
Abbott, Hannah
Bones, Susan
Boot, Terry
Brown, Lavender
Corner, Michael
Dae, Promise
Davis, Tracey
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Finnigan, Seamus
Goldstein, Anthony
Goyle, Gregory
Granger, Hermione
Jones, Megan
Li, Su
Longbottom, Neville
Macmillian, Ernie
Moon, Isabella
Nott, Theodore
Parkinson, Pansy
Patil, Padma
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Thomas, Dean
Weasley, Ron
Zabini, Blaise
Brown, Lavender
Patil, Parvati
Abbott, Hannah
Bobbins, Melinda
Bones, Susan
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Goyle, Gregory
Granger, Hermione
Jones, Megan
Longbottom, Neville
Macmillian, Ernie
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Thomas, Dean
Weasley, Ron
History of Magic:
Bobbins, Melinda
Corner, Michael
Goldstein, Anthony
Moon, Isabella
Patil, Padma
Muggle Studies:
Boot, Terry
Brown, Lavender
Corner, Michael
Jones, Megan
Longbottom, Neville
Abbott, Hannah
Bobbins, Melinda
Boot, Terry
Dae, Promise
Davis, Tracey
Goldstein, Anthony
Granger, Hermione
Li, Su
Macmillian, Ernie
Moon, Isabella
Nott, Theodore
Parkinson, Pansy
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Weasley, Ron
Zabini, Blaise
Abbott, Hannah
Bobbins, Melinda
Bones, Susan
Boot, Terry
Brown, Lavender
Dae, Promise
Davis, Tracey
Finch-Fletchley, Justin
Finnigan, Seamus
Goldstein, Anthony
Granger, Hermione
Jones, Megan
Li, Su
Macmillian, Ernie
Moon, Isabella
Nott, Theodore
Parkinson, Pansy
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Thomas, Dean
Weasley, Ron
Zabini, Blaise
6th Year Classes:
Ancient Runes:
Fell, Icarus
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Creevey, Colin
Dunstan, Yoanna
Fell, Icarus
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Weasley, Ginny
Connors, Hope
Dunstan, Yoanna
Fell, Icarus
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Rider, Miley
Smith, Zacharias
Care of Magical Creatures:
Connors, Hope
Creevey, Colin
Dempsy, Deliverence
Fell, Icarus
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Rider, Miley
Smith, Zacharias
Creevey, Colin
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Dempsy, Deliverence
Dunstan, Yoanna
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Rider, Miley
Rucci, Victor
Smith, Zacharias
Weasley, Ginny
Defense Against the Dark Arts:
Connors, Hope
Creevey, Colin
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Dempsy, Deliverence
Dunstan, Yoanna
Fell, Icarus
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Rider, Miley
Rucci, Victor
Smith, Zacharias
Weasley, Ginny
Fell, Icarus
Creevey, Colin
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Fell, Icarus
Lovegood, Luna
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Weasley, Ginny
History of Magic:
Connors, Hope
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Muggle Studies:
Creevey, Colin
Dempsy, Deliverence
Rice, Charlene
Rucci, Victor
Weasley, Ginny
Connors, Hope
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Dunstan, Yoanna
Fell, Icarus
Goyle, Gregory *repeated 5th year*
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Rider, Miley
Rucci, Victor
Smith, Zacharias
Weasley, Ginny
Connors, Hope
deLiouncourt, Orlando
Dempsy, Deliverence
Dunstan, Yoanna
Greengrass, Astoria
Lovegood, Luna
Petrelli, Milo
Rhodes, Ace
Rice, Charlene
Rider, Miley
Rucci, Victor
Smith, Zacharias
Weasley, Ginny
Note: 5th years and below are required to take Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration. 5th through 3rd years also take at least two electives as listed below:
5th Year Classes:
Ancient Runes:
Care of Magical Creatures:
Jenkins, Samantha
Jenkins, Samantha
Muggle Studies:
4th Year Classes:
Ancient Runes:
Moonstone, Luca
Moonstone, Luca
Care of Magical Creatures:
Muggle Studies:
3rd Year Classes:
Ancient Runes:
Care of Magical Creatures:
Muggle Studies: