Nymphadora Alexandria Elizabeth Tonks

Age: 25
Birthday: April 19th, 1972
Job: Auror, D.A.D.A Professor, Head of Gryffindor House.
House while at school: Gryffindor
Hair: Naturally brown, but can change at will.
Eyes: Brown, but can change at will.
Height: 5 foot 5 inches
Weight: 145 lbs.
Wand: 6 inches, Birch with a Phoenix Feather
Affliations: Order of The Phoenix.
Pet(s): None.
Favorite Quidditch Team: Falmouth falcons
Special Skills: Metamorphmagus
Tonks. PB: Julia Stiles


Tonks is a very quirky individual. She is a naturally excitable person, but also extremely reliable, and responsible person. Tonks is very protective and loyal individual.


Tonks has a “slew of cousins, aunts and uncles” on her mother’s side, but her mother Andromeda was cast out of the Black family and deemed a blood traitor when she married Ted Tonks. Nymphadora grew up as an only child, and played a lot with her one cousin, Evan, on her father’s side, until she received her letter from Hogwarts. The only family member from her mother’s side she got to know well was Sirius Black after he escaped from Azkaban, and The Order was stared up again.

Levicorpus History (beyond the Lexicon) :

In the summer of 1997 Tonks was offered the job of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and Head of Gryffindor house which she took almost instantly. And love teaching with a passion.

Even though she is still young, she is having a hard time convincing people that she is up for the job even though she is a fully qualified and trained Auror.

Tonks though she is still very much in love Remus Lupin still. Her best friend Charlie Weasely has come back into her life more and more, and that is causing a bunch of tension between her and Remus.

Tonks Scene by Scene:

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