About Levicorpus.
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What is Levicorpus?

Levicorpus is a 7th year, Trio Era Harry Potter RPG. It's HBP-canon based and played over LiveJournal, though many members communicate through AIM (AOL Instant Messenger).

How Long has it been going on?

Levicorpus started at the end of September in 2005.

Are you still accepting new players?

Yes, check out our How to Join Section for more details. This is an active and friendly group, and there are still quite a few wonderful characters open. To keep game play rolling, we want new players who can commit to posting at least once a week.

Is it complicated?

Yes and no. One of the reasons we started this site was to help members keep up with all the plot details. Another was to give new people an easy way to catch up. There's a lot going on, but the upside of that is that there's always something to do and someone to interact with.